#iPRAY365 - GOD is Accessible - Day 2

I don't know about you, the thought of beholding such beauty is beyond words! To worship in GODs HOLY HOUSE freely and without apology!!! How is it that the Psalmist has great confidence in his request? It is his relationship with GOD that encourages/strengthens his faith in making such a request. It derives from a reliance upon God and his promises alone and results in assurance and steadfastness in service and in the face of difficulties.

FATHER GOD, THANK YOU for the accessibility i have to YOU through JESUS CHRIST! HALLELUJAH. As i spend more and more time, daily walking close to THEE, may i continue to ever be changed into YOUR IMAGE with a renewed mind of CHRIST. My thoughts and ways like YOURS that i may, like David, ASK, BELIEVE AND RECEIVE this ONE THING!


Annetta Works Salley


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