Quote by: Jonathan Lockwood Huie Today, the year is a newborn. How will we choose to dress it, to feed it, to teach it, to learn from it? If you are reading this post, then you are in your GREATER; YESSSSS YOU! Welcome, Welcome, WELCOME!!! Do any of the following sum up your 2017: Endured fearlessly, Pressed Through By Faith, Seen The Miraculous, Lost and won some battles, fallen down AND got up, broken through, sick but STILL here, suffered but don't look what you've been through, loss income but not hungry or begging bread, your children returned home, your child ran away, marriage rocked but you're STILL together, challenged and overcame by the WORD of your testimony, you prayed but not seen a sign OR maybe ALL OF THE ABOVE! The fact is whatever your 2017 was or was not, it's over and you can't go back. So quit looking! There will be no encore unless you choose to do the same things expecting something different. You can't replay the tape except...