ENOUGH is Enough...No Turning Back-Day 31!

Do you recall the movie "Enough" starring Jennifer Lopez as the working-class waitress "Slim" whose life was transformed when she married a wealthy contractor played by Billy Campbell? In this movie, it was clear when ENOUGH was enough when Slim's mindset changed and the actions that followed. When is ENOUGH, enough for you? It is not the same for everyone. Even when you think you have had ENOUGH, somehow you continue doing the same thing. WHY? Because you only have had "SOME" of ENOUGH. When you have had ENOUGH of ENOUGH you will take action and never look back. Well, my ENOUGH of ENOUGH came when the doctor told me i would be taking a pill every day for the rest of my life because i was PRE-diabetic, overweight and a HIGH RISK due to family history and being African American. Well, i SAID ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! That was the day my journey officially began. I drew a CIRCLE around it as i was not claiming this to be so for my life! ...