Our prayers have a begin date and time that did not start with us. Have you ever wondered that this was not the first time you heard this prayer? Was it maybe because you have been praying this prayer for the last three to four years? No, it was because you were given utterance as to what to say rather than you thinking about what to say and saying it. That's right when our heart and thoughts are GODs THOUGHTS, HOLY SPIRIT leads us in our prayers. How freeing it is to pray as we ought! This is what praying scripture does; saying what GOD said back to HIM expecting HIM to do what HE said HE will do! The LORD says in Isaiah 55:11 "so shall MY WORD be..it will not return to ME empty". When we pray WITH expectation (believing HE WILL) GOD IS READY to fulfill HIS PROMISE! (Jeremiah 1:12b) How can we not believe when we know GOD is FAITHFUL? So when you are feeling discouraged, weary in prayer, become complacent and repetitious with your words, know that you need to spend t...