My SelfCare Check-in

Today is my self-care check-in. It is the day i am accountable for sharing with another woman about my well-being. It's authentically sharing where i am in my healing. It's not about my journey, it's about letting someone who genuinely cares about me know my current mental health well being. There is no judging. I simply have a safe place to communicate where i am and what i am doing to get what i need. No this is not the "dump on" but rather the sister touchpoint that allows me NOT to be silent or do it alone. It is how i'm doing and keep it movin'. It's easy to vent, dump it and leave without a plan of action. That's not fair to you or the person you unload on. Yes, i agree there is a time AND person for that type of conversation, but this self-care check-in is NOT it. This person is someone who has agreed to support my healing plan as a listener and encourager; not the fixer, dump pile or the clean-up person. My action plan has the resources i c...