
Showing posts from June, 2023

NEW • "Communicate & Collaborate Spaces"

The Summer is usually the onset of when we pause the routine and enjoy book reading, family time, travel and adventures. This summer, I have created spaces for communicators, creatives, ESL high school and college students, entrepreneurs/small business owners, and first-year teachers to come and further develop their communication skills. These spaces are designed to explore new ways of conveying your passion in a clear and succinct way by which your message is received as you intended. These are not lectures but interactive presentations that create space for you to utilize the content immediately. Feedback will be provided upon request. The primary benefit of the " Communicate and Collaborate " workshops is that YOU are the focus and YOU have a safe space to engage as much as you need and the freedom to learn. HERE is the link for more details about the " Communicate & Collaborate" Twitter Spaces and Workshops to support you in building your confidence a...

Sweet Selah - June Prayer Call

Sweet Selah Ministries - SELAH Prayer Call  

iCU365 πŸ’šπŸŒΏπŸ’œ #LivingFitAndWell "Healthy Habits"

Welcome to the month of JUNE! This month, the focus will be on "healthy habits" for a safe and fun summer. Why don't fresh foods require a label?  Because their ingredients are naturally made, not added.  The "food label" is the guide to what you are actually putting into your body, not the title or pretty packaging.  Take time THIS MONTH and read the label too.  KNOW what you are putting in your mouth.  Your body will tell you if it was made for YOU or part of the marketing strategy.  If you can't pronounce it, then it was ADDED to ensure it would look good and pleasing to the eye when it arrived at your local store.   For encouragement, inspiration, and accountability coaching for living fit and well every day, 3-6-5, follow iCelebrateU365 on Social Media. #iCU365 πŸ’šπŸŒΏπŸ’œ #LivingFitAndWell