Change...EVER BEcoming

I am SOOOOO EXCITED!  In August, i started a #100day walking challenge AND  i am STILL walking a minimum of 30 minutes EVERYDAY!  Actually, i am in #my2ndQuarter. 

How is this possible? This is definitely not my first rodeo at starting a wellness/fitness challenge.  So why is it working this time?  In order to see the change i want to see, i must FIRST make a commitment.  SECOND, be accountable to someone other than an app or blog post and THIRD, have a celebration team of authentic people you understand how to authentically CELEBRATE U 365 and FINALLY remain flexible to make adjustments when necessary and YESSS THERE WILL BE. 

To BE the change i want to SEE, it will require me to do something(s) differently.  According to Merriam Webster dictionary, one definition of ever is always.  I am must interested in my state of "BEing" in my life's journey...the daily transformation into the likeness (image) of JEHOVAH GOD, our CREATOR.

Mark 11:24 #PRAYandBELIEVE πŸ™ #BEtransformed πŸ¦‹AND #WALKitOut365 πŸ‘£

#iCelebrateU365 Beloved πŸ’šπŸŒ±πŸ’œ


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