i AM JOYFULL - The Celebrated Life With The PEACE OF GOD!

i AM JOYFULL!!! This week i am reflecting on the PEACE of GOD...specifically walking in the PEACE of GOD.  Walking in the PEACE of GOD is contingent upon my relationship WITH GOD.  HALLELUJAH, this is only possible through my faith in JESUS CHRIST. 

The WORD of GOD says in Romans 5:1-2...
Since we have been made right with GOD by our faith, we have peace with GOD. This happened through our LORD JESUS CHRIST, who through our faith has brought us into that blessing of GOD’s grace that we now enjoy. And we are happy because of the hope we have of sharing GOD’s glory.

NOTE...the world cannot give us this peace! Yes, we have peaceful moments, but what purpose do they serve unless they last?  Having PEACE WITH GOD gives me the GRACE to pursue peace with all people in all circumstances.  Join me in this Christmas season to pursue peace with all people and holiness!  It is possible through FAITH in JESUS CHRIST for those who truly desire PEACE WITH GOD!  #iCelebrateU365 JESUS!!!

Hebrews 12:14...
Pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord:

💕🎶ENJOY this song... Casting Crowns - Until The Whole World Hears


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