👑Sister CheckIN - SUPERPOWER
This is my #SisterCheckIn 💜 and i THANK and PRAISE GOD that i am. i am sharing with you because being on social media doesn't always mean it is well with my soul. Having an accountability circle keeps me in check, allowing me to personally #ask U, the one reading this, the status of YOUR being safe, well, and connected.
If U desire to share, check-in with me right here with YOUR heart status on this post.
💜purple - safe, well, connected & thriving; helping others
💚green - safe, well & connected
💛yellow - safe, well; getting connecting
🧡orange - means attention; i'm not connected
What is my superpower? Having the ability and the capacity through JESUS CHRIST to celebrateU365! So really the question is, "What is the source of my #superpower?" It's Loving Others With HIS LOVE for me. GODs LOVE never fails, never gives up, and never runs out.
John 13:34-35 ~ The Passion Translation
34 “So I give you now a new commandment: LOVE each other just as much as I have LOVED you. 35 For when you demonstrate the same LOVE I have for you by LOVING one another, everyone will know that you’re MY true followers.”
JESUS CHRIST is here wanting to connect with U to be the source of YOUR superpower so that U are safe, well, connected 365, and with THE SAME LOVE, LOVING others to be the same. #Love1Another
💚🦋💜 #iCelebrateU365 BEaUtiful 👑
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