Advent Conversations - LOVE

Show The World JESUS 

If your neighbor or someone you encountered in a public place asked you what is Advent about, how would you respond? Would you talk about the themes, symbols, scriptures, or traditions you know of or practice in your home? What a GREAT opportunity to witness [testify] to your neighbor!

If this is your first time, you may feel awkward at first because you are not sure how to start the conversation or how to say it without all the BIBLE language. What does it really mean to witness for JESUS? Witnessing simply means telling others by our words, actions, and attitude what we’ve personally experienced (i.e.,“seen”, heard, and believe in our hearts) of the LORD JESUS.

In what ways can we demonstrate [be a witness for] JESUS during this holiday season? One way is to make the most of every conversation by trusting GOD for the right words. Praying to GOD for wisdom and active listening may be our contribution in the first encounter.  If you are blessed to meet up again, TRUST GOD and PREPARE HIM ROOM in the conversation. Our LORD will not miss the opportunity to bring GLORY to HIS NAME.


John 3:16 

For GOD loved the world in this way: HE GAVE his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in HIM will not perish but have eternal life.


FATHER GOD, with YOUR Power, Strength, and Might help me to shine my light in every conversation I have today so that YOU ALMIGHTY GOD be GLORIFIED in me. 


Tasha Cobbs Leonard - God So Loved ft. We The Kingdom (Live)

My BIBLE365 - ADVENT Conversations are being hosted on various social media platforms in multiple formats (tweets, graphics/quotes posts, audio recordings/podcasts, LIVE streaming).  I invite you to join me.  Better yet, YOU CHOOSE the one that speaks to YOU and the time that fits your schedule.

πŸ’œFB, πŸ’œIG, πŸ’œTwitter, πŸ’œTwitch, πŸ’œZOOM, or just get your journal and engage right here on my blog.  You are so welcome.

Celebrating JESUS 365 with my whole heart,



#iCU365 πŸ’šπŸŒΏπŸ’œ


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