Sister 2 Sister Prayers - My sister is not alone!

Today's Prayer: May my sister feel she is not alone.


Have you been asked to pray for someone and your first thought was, "I got my own stuff happening to me right now. How can I pray for someone else when I need GOD for myself right now?

Well I am here to tell you, this is the best time to pray!  I have realized in mature years that this is exactly when I pray the best prayers.  I know that sounds crazy, but when I need GOD more, this is when the prayer requests start flooding in.  This is when I know, I can't but GOD is MORE THAN [my] able.  HOLY SPIRIT is a gift to us to do the heavy lifting.  When we surrender whatever is weighing on us to GOD, that is when HE steps in and handles it.  Now don't think you don't have to participate, because we do.  We have the following parts in this:  TRUST GOD, PRAISE GOD, WORSHIP GOD and BELIEVE.  You can't fake your way through this.  GOD sees and knows our hearts even before we ask.  I am living witness, when I pray for others, while in the middle of my pain and sorrows, that is when I receive a lifting from my own troubles.

Read the book of Job and tell me if you ever had it that bad and still praised GOD because of HIS FAITHFULNESS?  Be encouraged by what Job did in spite of what was happening to him in his current situation.  PRAISE HIM ANYHOW!!!

Job 1:21-22 • New American Standard Bible

21 He said,

“Naked I came from my mother’s womb,
And naked I shall return there.
The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away.
Blessed be the name of the Lord.”

22 Despite all this, Job did not sin, nor did he blame God.


Job 42:10

10 After Job had prayed for his friends, the LORD restored his fortunes and gave him twice as much as he had before.

#PrayingForMySisters • #Sister2SisterPrayers • #iCU365 Sisterhood


  1. Oh I loved this! Thank you, sister, for this beautiful prayer.

    1. You are so welcome. I am so thankful for a loving ABBA FATHER who loves us with an everlasting LOVE!


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