Sister 2 Sister Prayers

How do you feel when a sister-in-CHRIST prays for or encourages you?  If is one of the most beautiful feelings I am blessed to experience on almost a daily basis.  Enjoy this prayer that was shared with me. I want you to be abundantly blessed in every area of your life in 2024, so I am praying and sharing with you to keep this intercessory prayer flame burning.  Won't you stop and pause and pray this for your beloved sister?  And when you have done that, pray for a woman you don't know that lives in another country.  I did and I thank you for doing the same.

... Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.
- John 13:34

#PrayingForMySisters • #Sister2SisterPrayers • #iCU365 Sisterhood


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